Be a Pal Week
Sept. 25-Oct. 1, 2023 is our 2nd Annual Be a Pal Week! Join us and share your impact on social media using the hashtag #BeAPal.
In our increasingly divided world, Be a Pal Week is an opportunity to come together, to choose kindness, and to genuinely care for each other. Whether a small act of kindness or a grand gesture, anyone can be a pal—and everyone needs a pal. By recognizing this simple fact, and encouraging more of it, we can create a world where no one has to go it alone.
During this week, we're challenging ourselves and everyone in our network to create one or more connections within our communities, in an effort to realize what’s been right in front of us: each other.
Can you imagine the possibilities?

Community impact

At HQ, Papa employees packed and passed out lunches to unhoused people across Miami.

Papa employees in New York delivered warm meals to frequently homebound seniors, including a dozen-plus Veterans living in a local Veteran’s residence.

Papa employees in Kansas City volunteered at a local shelter that provides a safe place for victims of domestic abuse.
Papa employee Hannah rallied a friend to remove flooded carpets in homes affected by Hurricane Ian in Southwest Florida.

Papa employee Ellenor helped sort through donations, then decorated and packed up gift bags and boxes headed to local organizations supporting older adults in Central Florida.
Be a Pal Bingo
We’re on a mission to help build and nurture connections in communities across the country. Join us this Be a Pal Week by playing Be a Pal Bingo.
Each square below represents one community-building activity, and it’s up to you how you satisfy each one. Because to make a meaningful difference, we need to provide support and offer connection in the way each person needs it. For example, you can complete the “help a neighbor” square by bringing over a tray of homemade cookies to someone who may not have many homemade treats, taking in garbage cans while your neighbor is away, or pitching in on a tough day of yard work.
- Complete a row of 5 activities during Be a Pal Week. The row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Tip: You can rearrange your card by clicking the "New Card" button below.
- Screenshot and share your board or completed row on Instagram or LinkedIn and use the hashtag #BeaPal so we can see it. Next, tell us about an activity you did to satisfy one square on your board—either directly in your post, in a DM to Papa, or in our comments. Tip: Make sure your profile is set to public, otherwise we won't be able to see your post.
- Once you post on social media using the hashtag #BeAPal, we'll enter you to win a Visa gift card or swag from Papa.
Thanks for making a difference in your community!
Get your Pal Pack
At Papa, we think health happens in communities. As society pulls back, we press in. Being a pal may seem like an inconsequential act—but it’s not. Each connection brings us one step closer to realizing our vision of a world where no one has to go it alone.
We've developed a Pal Pack filled with ideas, tools, and activities to help everyday pals, and our Papa Pals, build and nurture connections. Download it today for inspiration, activities, conversation starters, and more to help you be a pal today and every day.

Other Resources

Papa Icebreakers
Papa Jokes